
Go Installer 🐹

Install Golang on Linux or Mac with hassle of environment variables setting.

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How to use it 🤔

Installing (or even updating) Go ⬇️

You can clone the repository and then run bash go.sh.

Or by simply running whatever suits you from the following commands (wget1 or curl):

# downloads then runs the script
wget https://git.io/go-installer.sh && bash go-installer.sh
# doesn't download the script ~ runs the script directly 
bash <(curl -sL https://git.io/go-installer)

Now, you can go grab a cup of coffee :coffee:, sit back :relieved: and relax while the magic happens! :crystal_ball:

By default the script will create .go and go folders on your HOME directory & add the needed variables to your PATH variable.

$HOME/.go is where Go will be installed. $HOME/go is the default workspace.

In order to install Go to another location or set custom workspace. You can set environment variables GOROOT or GOPATH before installing (or uninstalling) Go.

For example:

export GOROOT=/opt/go            # where Go is installed
export GOPATH=$HOME/projects/go  # your workspace

Read more about workspaces in Go.

Specifying a version to install 🧐

By default, the script installs the latest version available.
You can choose what version to install by adding the --version flag, followed by the version you want to install.

bash go.sh --version 1.19.4

Show Help Message 🍁

To show the following help message use bash go.sh help.

Uninstalling Go ❌

bash go.sh remove

How it works ⚙️

The script does the following steps:



  1. the script depends on wget (1, 2